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  • Feb7Fri


    February 7, 2025

    As the Samaritan woman told her townsfolk, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” (John 4:29) 

    Jesus stopped to speak with the woman of Samaria at Jacob’s well. He had dug it years before and it had been reopened. There was a time when I felt like Ruth at the well, journeying with my Naomi – the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus began to speak to us at Peter’s well during the Charismatic Renewal, and He will speak with you too. 

    He spoke prophetically to my Naomi at prayer meetings, especially in the eighties and early nineties. But I was really surprised when Jesus began to speak to me personally. In those days, this was very rare. It was not a vision of Jesus. I could not see Him but He spoke to me by His Holy Spirit usually in His “wee small voice” as He did with Elijah. To be sure it was Jesus, sometimes I asked Him to give the same word to someone else, or I watched to see if what He had told me was confirmed by two or three others or if it was fulfilled. I remember once driving alone in the car to a prayer meeting at someone’s cottage in the woods. They had given me directions which helped somewhat; but as I called on His name for help, I could hear Jesus giving me more directions which got me there safely. 

    As I grew in confidence hearing His voice, He began to call me, “My child” telling me He loved me plus all things I had ever done. But it was not in a condemning voice like that of the devil, the accuser of the brethren. Instead, it was the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit who convinces us of what is sin in our life so we can repent of it. Wisdom says that God, a true Father, would rather deal with His children sooner than later at the Final Judgment. This is saving grace. 

    As a young Catholic, I had sought to make God happy, and I thought I was a good person. But when God shines His light on our heart, we see how wicked and needy it is. Thank God Jesus went to the cross so our sins can be forgiven, and He is very willing to have us repent and receive that forgiveness today. His blood never loses its effectiveness. What a surprise it was for me to learn that I did not need to do any penance! Only believe and repent - do it the right way next time. Jesus was our atonement so we could be reconciled with the Father.  

    “I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.” (Ezek. 36:25-26) 

    Shortly after I received a strong baptism of fire at the Toronto Vineyard in 1994 and the prophetic word, “They are dead, do not contact them” meaning Mary and the saints, and I stopped praying the rosary after 40 years of daily recitation, Jesus spoke to me. He gave me to understand that He was like a jealous husband who did not want His wife to have any other lovers. The Samaritan woman was told, “you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband.” (John 4:18) Jesus helped me to realize that praying to the saints was like having other lovers and the heart of Jesus I had been clinging to was not the real Jesus. So I renewed my resolve to go to the real Jesus of Nazareth, the one way to the Father. 

    Jesus existed with the Father long before He miraculously took flesh in the womb of Mary two thousand years ago.

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” (John 1:1-3) And His love endures forever. Nothing can stop it. 

    As a matter of fact, like Ruth, I realized that I had met my kinsman Redeemer. He wanted me to be part of His corporate bride. 

    “For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is His name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth.” (Isa. 54:5) 

    In the Toronto Airport revival, God wanted us to be more than just refreshed. Having a pure heart was emphasized, and that was my desire. So I began crying out to God for it in prayersongs like: “Refiner’s fire, my heart’s one desire is to be holy, set apart for You, Lord. I choose to be holy, set apart for You, my Master, ready to do Your will,” from Vineyard Worship. We wanted the fire of God to cleanse and polish us up like gold and silver. God does not want to revive us for us to go back to sleep, but to be ready to spend time with Him and serve Him - to love God wholeheartedly and our neighbour as ourselves. We need the Holy Ghost and fire. As John the Baptist said, “[Jesus] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Luke 3:16) 

    November, 1994 is when I began asking the Lord to purify the teaching of the Catholic Church and to be glorified in her life. So He began with mine, with a fresh baptism of fire. And what a wonderful difference that has made! After making corrections and writing to priests and bishops, this led eventually to writing the book-set, JESUS THE BRIDGE so that many others could benefit from what the Lord taught me. God is so good! He is the author and finisher of our faith. 2000 years ago, He clarified things when religious Jews had gone off track. Sadly, only a few believed – the early church. But God added to it those being saved. Now today He is clarifying things for us. So let us all humbly seek to do God’s will. As Jesus said, “Not My will Father, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)

     “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb. 12:1-2)

    Thank God, just as Jesus opened up a well inside the Samaritan woman, “a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life,” (John 4:14) He did so for me and others too. His Words sometimes come bubbling up when needed. As Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37-38) Come and be blessed to be a blessing.

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