Living Water
Welcome to this blog-site by Nancy Salvador, Christian Mission Outreach. May I pour out a drink for you? Drinking of the living water that Jesus gives makes all the difference in the world. Thanks be to God, Holy Spirit can cause a word to bubble up from inside just when it is needed. Sometimes the word I hear is, "Be not afraid." Knowing that Jesus is always with those He shepherds, banishes fear.
Have you received His comforting and counselling Holy Spirit and find that happening too? If not, you can ask Jesus to baptize you with His Holy Spirit. Like cleansing water turned into wine, you will find His Holy Spirit to be refreshing and invigorating.
An Esther Moment
“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)
Around 2005, the Lord kept reminding me of the books of Ruth and Esther. With this Scripture in mind, thinking especially of Roman Catholics, and knowing that Jesus is “the author and finisher of our faith,” (Heb. 12:2) I have written the two-book set, JESUS THE BRIDGE with His help. Like Esther, I have approached our king – King Jesus, and He has granted my request for the deliverance of my people. The devil wants to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus has “come that they may have [abundant] life.” (John 10:10) In the 2 books, I present weapons, swords of the Spirit, with which we can arm ourselves to prevent our destruction.
“Without a vision, the people perish.” Jesus has reminded me of John’s vision of New Jerusalem, of which we are meant to be a part, “living stones,” who believe in the full gospel. “New Jerusalem: Let God mold you into the right shaped stone.” So let us see what needs to change in us so we will fit with His other stones.
No Other Lovers
After an encounter with the living God, described in Book One, I stopped praying the rosary – after 40 years of daily devotion. Since Jesus is like a jealous husband who wants his wife to have no other lovers, He helped me see that praying to Mary and the saints was like having other lovers. When I asked the Lord for a Rhema word about this, I heard, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me."
I am so glad I have knowledge of forgiveness, thankful for His precious blood which He shed so that we could be saved, delivered from evil and washed clean. What great love the Father has for us! That is why I love Him so much.
Good News! Both books are available now!
Besides the blogs, I also invite you to read JESUS THE BRIDGE - Volume One - A Catholic's Journey Toward Truth and Wholeness, and JESUS THE BRIDGE - Volume Two - Finding the Kingdom and His Presence. The 2-book set has been greatly delayed because of Covid. (An unauthorized version, posted in error, has been removed.) But, thank God, both books are now available in online book stores. You really need both books to hear the whole story because they contain parts of my testimony, plus important Scriptures to which the Lord led me.
Both printed and e-book versions are available. Here is the Amazon link to Volume One. Here is the Volume One link for Barnes and Noble. and BooksaMillion. There is also a video introduction on Vimeo. The publisher is HigherLife Publishing and Marketing, Florida, USA.
I began my journey travelling with the Roman Catholic Church, like Ruth with Naomi returning to Bethlehem. Thus, we found our kinsman Redeemer, Jesus, during the Charismatic Renewal. I left her to glean in His fields where I found favour and agape love. I would bring back tasty morsels of grain, the bread of life, to share with her. When I asked Jesus to cover me, I found He was willing to birth new life in me - spiritual things. Thankfully, Jesus loves us.
Having learned that if you want to know the genuine from the counterfeit, study the genuine, Jesus, the "one Mediator between God and men," is presented in the books, comparing Him to a trestle bridge. My first blog gives a taste of what the two books are about. Come and see how I was delivered of some of the deceptions that have caused some Protestants and Catholics to go off the road. Like the woman at the well, Jesus told me all that I had done, and His Holy Spirit will convince you too of the truth that will set you free. What joy He brings!